Why register with FCMI Online?

We encourage everyone to register in this site simply because we want to keep in touch with you as easy as possible. Through the help of internet, we can send you all current events and activities that you might want to participate and be involved.

Is it safe to send my information? Does FCMI share it to anyone else?

We respect and value your information, so we DO NOT share it to anyone else. All information we have remains secured and stored in our state of the art database with 64 bit SHA-1 encryption pattern.

To continue, please provide all neccessary information and hit Submit button.

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Email:
  • Birthday (Nice to have):
  • Status (Optional):
  • Ethnicity (Optional):
  • Address (Optional):
  • Contact# (Nice to have):
  • Captcha Verification:
  • Ex. 09/28/1981

  • -Enter Captcha Here-